• "Union Missionary Baptist Church
  • "A Church that's Alive is Worth the Drive"
  • "There's a sweet sweet spirit in this place..."

History Of Union Missionary Baptist Church

Union Missionary Baptist Church, located on Richlands Hwy 258 West was organized in 1934 by several members who came together and began the church. Their first meeting was held in Edney Chapel School. Mrs. Fannie Morgan donated land with the stipulation that it could only be used for a church. All new members were baptized in New River or in Cravy Stream near the church.

In 1935, the members knew it was time to choose a Pastor. Rev. M.B. Stanford was the first pastor. Over the years, Union Missionary Baptist Church has welcomed several pastors. Rev. W. C. Ollison was the Pastor for thirty five years. Under his leadership the old frame church was replaced with brick sliding.

Rev. Robert .C. Green, Jr. was the Pastor for seventeen years. Under his leadership many things were added to the church. The first Sunday in March 2000, Union Missionary Baptist Church became “A Station Church”

Rev. Dr. Larry D. Walston, Sr., became the Pastor on October 5, 2002 on Homecoming Sunday and under his leadership many things have been added to the church. The church purchased an additional four acres of land and a new sanctuary was constructed in 2016, we had the first service in the new church on 7 August 2017 (Women’s Day) where over 250+ people attend the Women’s Day Service.

On 4 September 2016, the Dedication Service of the new church was held. The guest speaker was Rev. Hue Walston from Washington Chapel Missionary Baptist Church, Jacksonville, North Carolina. Washington Chapel Mass Choir provided the music.

The fourth Sunday in October 2016 (23 October 2016), Women Ministers began preaching the word from the pulpit at Union Missionary Baptist Church.


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